Wednesday, April 22

Go Green Tips For Earth Day

It's Earth Day! 

Who am I and how can i save the earth one little step at a time? 

The idea of saving the planet can overwhelm us and make us say, "Oh this is too grand a plan- forget it." 

But here are some simple things we can do in our daily lives to help save the person at a time!

Go Vegetarian Once A Week
The idea of going vegetarian may be too big of an ideal for many, so i propose having a meatless day at home where you eat all veggies and hold off on using or buying meat. if we all did this, we'd save tons on water, food and space to raise poultry and livestock! This is why The Flow Team promote passionate living and the green smoothie/ raw food lifestyle!

Buy local

Save carbon footprint and buy local and all natural products that are made by companies that love the earth and people. Indigo Baby, Luntian Bags, Coco Dolce Chocolates, Lagu Beach Blanket and Moringana are just some of the sustainable and eco-friendly brands we love! Their products are available at The Flow Shop!

Plant An Herb Garden
Eating local can be as easy as growing your own food! Know what goes into your food and where it comes from. Planting an organic herb garden is an easy start, plus having greener surroundings is always beneficial to the environment!

Ditch the plastic and carry an reusable canvas bags for storing all your purchases. Or instead of throwing away that toilet paper roll, why not create something new out of it?
You can also reuse pasta sauce or juice glass bottles for your homemade smoothies and cold pressed juices! Check out this site on how to reuse commonly thrown away household items.

Work From Home
Of course time management is involved here, but it does save you gas, time and energy. You can also plan your trips out of the house so you run errands all on one day. The Flow Team meet once a week if needed, but we do most of the work online!

All great things start with a little seed and that is precisely what saving the world is about- planting the seeds in our minds to create a consciousness of healthy living so that the decisions we make are in line with our ideals. 

Hugs and kisses! Happy happy Earth Day! 

Photos 1,3,4,5 by Stephanie Dandan
Photo 2 by Tabitha Fernan

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